Thank for to those who replied. I solved it just a while ago. It wasn't the floating pins giving the problem. I forgot that a keypress has TWO events (key-down and key-up). I was only clearing key down event but did not clear the key-up event before going to sleep therefore since there is pending interrupt, sleep does not execute. -----Original Message----- From: Basir Atan To: PicList Date: Tuesday, January 26, 1999 12:35 PM Subject: PIC16F84 Does not want to SLEEP (insomnia?) Hello all, Quick question and hopefully quick answer. I use the following code to put PIC to sleep: movfw PORTB ; Clear Mismatch clrf INTCON ; Clear RBIF (if any) bsf INTCON, RBIE ; Enable PORTB WakeUp sleep But the PIC does not go into sleep. Any obvious error here? TRISB is '11111100'. Connections are as follows: RB0 - pull up with 10k RB1 - pull up with 10k RB2 - floating RB3 - floating RB4 - pull down with 10k RB5 - pull down with 10k RB6 - floating RB7 - floating Thanks for any help