Hello all,
Quick question and hopefully quick answer.  I use the following code to put PIC to sleep:
    movfw   PORTB           ; Clear Mismatch
    clrf    INTCON          ; Clear RBIF (if any)
    bsf     INTCON, RBIE    ; Enable PORTB WakeUp
But the PIC does not go into sleep.  Any obvious error here? 
TRISB is '11111100'.  Connections are as follows:
    RB0    - pull up with 10k
    RB1    - pull up with 10k
    RB2    - floating
    RB3    - floating
    RB4    - pull down with 10k
    RB5    - pull down with 10k
    RB6    - floating
    RB7    - floating
Thanks for any help