On Mon, 25 Jan 1999 09:44:47 -0700, you wrote: >How well regulated is the +5v from using this method? I would assume that >this is a pretty "clean" supply, but since my application will be using >ADC's I need a supply without a lot of ripples and what-not. IIRC a >previous post stated that the keyboard +5v line could source 120ma. Is >this correct? I haven't calculated it all out, but my project should take >10-20ma max. I haven't used parallel port, but have powered adc via serial port 5v - seems to work fine on desktop machines but not on all laptops. The supply, however is pretty clean. Steve Blackmore -- Pilot Consultancy Limited ***** Computer Consultants Telephone 01744 752256 Mobile 0831 768478 Email: steve@pilotltd.u-net.com WWW: http://www.pilotltd.u-net.com