At 21:35 01/24/99 +0000, Dan Larson wrote: >I am using a MAX680ACP to generate +/- 10V supplies for >an LF383 op-amp, the output of which I am feeding to >an LM567 tone decoder. It works fairly well, but the >ripple on the +10V supply (at about 12Khz) gets amplified >and is impressed on the output whether the photo transistor >is covered or not. The strange thing is that there is no >measurable ripple on the -10V supply. Things go down hill >fast when I try to boost my gain by using the second op-amp >as a 1:100 gain amp. Needless to say there is a nice square >on the output with, surprise!, the same period as the >charge pump ripple. I have bypassed the +10V supply to >the op-amp with a ferrite bead and 4.7uf cap. It helps >a little, but the output is still a wild waveform of >the amplified supply ripple. The op-amp circuit is nothing >special. I have both stages set up with 1:100 gain using >470K for feedback and 4k7 on inputs. The photo diode is biased >with a 100K resistor to V+ with the other end of the diode >tied to V-. The junction of the diode and the 100K is coupled >to the non-inverting input of the first stage with a .01uf >cap. doesn't it look like you get the ripple from the input bias? you can check this and use the photodiode as a current source into the inv. input (diode between gnd and inv.inp., plus a feedback resistor from inv.inp. to the output and noninv.inp. to gnd) without any bias from the supply. (usually you use the bc-diode of a transistor and leave e open in this configuration if you have a phototransistor.) ge