I know this is a bit of a strange request, but you never know if you don't ask. I built a SMT reflow oven around a PIC16F84 and a fan-forced toaster oven. I've tested the controller by using it to "reflow" old PC I/O cards but never used it on a "virgin" PCB. Does anybody have any spare, excess, or obsolete "virgin" smt PCBs that they are willing to donate. I don't care what the functionality of the board is, I just want to test the quality of the solder joints. The next step is to ensure that I'm not "over-cooking" the components. Alternatively, does anyone have other suggestions on what I may do to prove my reflow oven. I plan to use the oven for small production runs, but don't want to debug it by toasting PICs and other components. Thanks for you ear. Peter