I am using a MAX680ACP to generate +/- 10V supplies for an LF383 op-amp, the output of which I am feeding to an LM567 tone decoder. It works fairly well, but the ripple on the +10V supply (at about 12Khz) gets amplified and is impressed on the output whether the photo transistor is covered or not. The strange thing is that there is no measurable ripple on the -10V supply. Things go down hill fast when I try to boost my gain by using the second op-amp as a 1:100 gain amp. Needless to say there is a nice square on the output with, surprise!, the same period as the charge pump ripple. I have bypassed the +10V supply to the op-amp with a ferrite bead and 4.7uf cap. It helps a little, but the output is still a wild waveform of the amplified supply ripple. The op-amp circuit is nothing special. I have both stages set up with 1:100 gain using 470K for feedback and 4k7 on inputs. The photo diode is biased with a 100K resistor to V+ with the other end of the diode tied to V-. The junction of the diode and the 100K is coupled to the non-inverting input of the first stage with a .01uf cap. I would probably just give up and use an "IR receiver in a can" but I feel compelled to know whay mistake I have made here. Even though there is no way I am going to pile all of those parts on a board for each sensor, I still want to learn form this... Any tips will be greatly appreciated! This is going to form the basis of an IR bumper for my PIC'Bot. Dan