Hi Mel I am not an old timer on the list, just an old-timer period! Your question on a piezo device that would mechanically operate something???? Several things come to mind >piezo (crystal) earphones and > piezo tweeters and of course > piezo buzzer/sounder elements but I think the primo item would be a > piezo fan that, as it happens after 10 years is finally available surplus #92F015 at Alltronics www.alltronics.com Hope this helps Wil Reeder teachtech@bc.sympatico.ca Vancouver,Canada Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, and more money! ---------- ---------- | From: Mel Evans | To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU | Subject: Solid-state servo | Date: Sunday, January 24, 1999 5:02 PM | | Old-Time PIClisters -- | I need your help in developing a new device -- a piezoelectric servo. | Remember the crystal (or ceramic) phono cartridge, where, if something (like a snip