-----Original Message----- From: Joe and Pam To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Monday, January 18, 1999 10:06 PM Subject: Re: pic16f84???help??? >Try getting 'Easy Pic'n' and 'Pic'n up the Pace' at www.sq-1.com. They >are great. I have had no experience with pics and have just completed >my first program. > >Joe Hay Joe Thank You to email me and trial to help me. I had see the "Easy Pic`n"(I like it),but I can get this Book- unfortunately,because I am from Yugoslavia,and the situation in my country.... Is there any other possibillity to get some from that Book. Is there any hope for me Thank YOU !!! p.s. Sorry for my English mssandor@beotel.yu