-----Original Message----- From: Harley L. Miller To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Monday, January 18, 1999 11:13 PM Subject: Re: pic16f84???help??? >>Sandor > >Your english is fine, better than that of some who were born to it. >I think that the best would be for you to get one of the beginner books >such as Dave Benson's "Easy Pic'n". Its available from Amazon.com and >several programmer sites on the internet. Good starter and it shows how >to build a test setup and light leds. > >Harley L. Miller hmiller@sound.net Hay Thank You to email me and trial to help me I had see the "Easy Pic`n"(I like it), but I can get this Book - unfortunately because I am from Yugoslavia,and the situation in my country........ Is there any other possibillity to get something from that Book. Is there any hope for me. Thank YOU !!! p.s. Sorry for my English mssandor@beotel.yu