-----Original Message----- From: Morgan Olsson To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Friday, January 22, 1999 3:54 PM Subject: Re: Thermoelectric Cooler (peltier) help required. At 14:20 1999-01-22 -0000, you wrote: >I am using a PIC as a controller for TEC (peltier) devices. I monitor >various temperatures and adjust a constant DC current to achieve the >required results. Eight (identical) peltier devices are assembled to a 'cold >plate' thermally in parallel. Electrically they are in series and they draw >approx 2A from the 12V supply. >When the design was presented for 'peer review', someone stated that the TEC >devices should be electrically connected in a series/parallel arrangement to >improve efficiency. >He couldn't state the reasons for this. I can't think why a simple series >connection should be less efficient. He didn't mean driver efficiency, just >thermal efficiency of the peltier devices. Does anyone out there know if I >ought to follow this up or just ignore it? Thermoelectric (Peltier) devices are often stacked in series (Mechanically) in order to extend the temperature delta. They are also arranged (mechanically) in parallel in order to extend the useful cooling surface. Is it possible that your peer reviewer meant that a series parallel arrangement of the peltier devices could extend the useful temperature delta and usable surface area? Perhaps the remark was not intended to apply to the electrical circuit configuration. I have created such cooling units myself by using series and parallel peltier devices in this way. It may be worth your time to check it out. I think it would benefit you more to respond to a peer review comment rather than ignore it. Best regards, Richard Right, that is bullshit. It is about optimizing the drive voltage and poer supply. On the contrary: power supplies are more efficient at higher output voltahe due to less percentage loss in the rectifier (and also in cables, connectors etc), so connect them in series! To get the best efficiency, you shall keep from PWM or on/off, instead control a SPS to deliver just the reqiuered voltage, to minimize R*I losses in the peltier. OK, if you have a lot of elements another good method is to shift between say 3 parallel x 2 series, and vice versa to have two modes with "lossless conversion" (just a relay) Good luck /Morgan %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Morgan Olsson ph +46(0)414 70741 MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK fax +46(0)414 70331 H€LLEKS (in A-Z letters: "HALLEKAS") SE-277 35 KIVIK, SWEDEN mrt@iname.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%