Barry, I do something similar in my weather station. I use a Dallas Semi 512KByte NVSRAM with an RTCC, crystal, and battery built in. At the top of RAM space, I have large tables to ease the calculation of Dew Point, Heat Index, and Wind Chill. I added a jumper option to make that section of SRAM look like ROM. I'm using a 16C74A (moving it to a 16C77), and I depend on the fact that TRISE (!CS, !WR, !RD) is an input after powerup/Reset. I have pull-ups on those lines. Since I'm using the PIC as a host rather than a Parallel Slave Port, I have to disable the A/D and change the lines to outputs. This requires loading PORTE with 1's before it becomes an output. The bottom line is; pay careful attention to the data book to ensure these lines (or whatever one uses) will be in a known state. - Tom At 08:45 AM 1/22/99 -0500, Barry King wrote: >Eric, > >I missed the fact that you need such a large and fast memory. All >the EEPROM and Flash techs take a comparatively long time to write. > >My application is in data loggers with very long time bases >(months, not seconds) so write is speed is *NOT* an issue for me (I >only write data every 10 minutes or every hour). So I wanted >non-volatile, dense and easy to connect, so I went with I2C EEPROMs. > >But I think you are probably right to stay with the the SRAMs for >your application. Sounds like you've got it about sussed. > >Experience is process by which we learn from our mistakes. Education >is the process by which we learn from others mistakes. >So... For what its worth, here's my experience, I hope its >educational: > >In a former design we used a block of SRAM. Note carefully which pin >sets the RAM to the "Safe", i.e. no-write state, and protect it >against glitches and low power supply. The commercial NVRAM RAMs >have this mostly done, just take noise glitch precautions. For >example: what is the power up reset state of te PIC pin which is >connected to RAM -WE? Floating, right? Better pull it up with an >external resistor. I had to add a pull up resistor arrangement and >power-fail detect to that old system to really protect the RAM (8051 >based, BTW, not PIC). Since you probably don't need to power off the >PIC and hold RAM, it will be easier to protect. > >Also, note which pin deselects the chip and puts in micropower >standby mode. Use that one to choose which chip is active. Then the >idle chip(s) really go to power down. > >Cheers, >--------------------------------------------------- >Barry King >Engineering Manager >NRG Systems "Measuring the Wind's Energy" > >"The witty saying has been deleted due to limited EPROM space"