On 21 Jan 99, 10:25 Lawrence Lile wrote: > I've been struggling to port an assembly language routine into CCS > C. So far, no hitches until I got to a lookup table that uses the > RETLW instruction. Try as I might, the compiler always tells me it > was "expecting an opcode mnemonic" when it gets to RETLW. Hu? I just tried it. .................... main() .................... { .................... int i; 0005: CLRF 04 0006: CLRF 03 .................... i=3; 0007: MOVLW 03 0008: MOVWF 0E .................... #asm .................... retlw 2 .................... #endasm 0009: RETLW 02 .................... } > > Does the CCS compiler recognize this opcode (which IS a valid opcode > for the 16C505, I checked already) ??? pcm 2.636 does. Did you perhaps forget the colon after the label? Most assemblers I am used to don't require (or even accept) colons after the label. But the ccs builtin assembler does. If you for example write fini retlw 2 you get the aforementioned error message. Write fini: retlw 2 instead. -- o ( Wolfgang.Strobl@gmd.de (+49 2241) 14-2394 /\ * GMD mbH #include _`\ `_<=== Schloss Birlinghoven, __(_)/_(_)___.-._ 53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany ________________