Hi I'm here again ! I have finish my F84 based daily timer. But there is another problem . I use a 4MHz xtal (wrong choice),prescaler=64,TMR0=131 (256-125) and I get an interrupt every 8msec. Then I count 125 int. and I have 1sec. Unfortunately I haven't considered the necessary time to serve int. and reload TMR0 . So I lose 10usec. every 8msec. = 4.5sec/h (a poor clock!!) I could reload the time counters from the R.T.C every min. and get the righ time .I prefer don't use this way . I think to add every minute a constant value to the int. counter. But I can't get integer number to get correct result. (10usec*125int*60sec)/8msec = 9.375 Someone knows a more accurate solution for this problem. Thanks Gianni