Leave them unconnected. Do not connect them to VDD or VSS. If you have room / cost add a pull up or pull down res. You don't have to fit them in the final unit, but if you suddenly need a switch input - it's there waiting for you. If you choose to leave the lines totally unconnected, set them as outputs in your software. By doing this, you give yourself room for manouver (...spelling?) to catch any last minute fixes. Just my ten cents. Rgds... ...Andy At 12:33 17/01/99 +1000, you wrote: >Piclisters I have been following the thread "Unused PIC Pins tied to >Ground - Input or output" with some interest as I am new to PICs, and admit >the thread has left me somewhat confused. What exactly is the recommended >procedure for dealing with uncommited PIC pins? > > >Regards Geoff :) >================== >geoff@techie.com >