Hi to all engineers, I am working on 16c73a 4x4 keypad directly connected to pic with 4x20 serial LCD display by scott Edward direcly connected to UART output. the function of this unit is just a pwm that you can specify the frequency and duty cycle. I used 16x08 multiply routine to do duty cycle conversion 0-99 to 0-255 I tested works fine. now I am stock on frequency. when I change PR2 register to change the frequency also duty cycle gets changed. I like to know how should I take care of this problem. I was thinking to use external clock but timer2 doesn't have external driver. the only thing left is to change the timer2 prescaller but that is only 1,4,16. any help will highly appreciated. the frequency range I was thinking to be 100hz to 20 k. Andre Abelian