At 01:07 PM 12/31/98 -0600, John Payson wrote: >|Good idea ! Now, how can one chop AND switch the current with RA4 + coil ? > >What about using a cap for negative voltage generation? Maybe >use four pins total, wired like this: |The input protection diodes will kill you. You'll never get it past about |.7V below the rail, and you could easily throw it into SCR latchup. The goal was to measure exactly how far below the rail the diodes would let a pin go with a small amount of current. The resistors are there to limit the current to either 10uA or 100uA; since the PIC's diodes are designed to handle miliamps' worth of current with- out latch-up or other problems, I would think that inducing latchup with 100uA of current should be well-nigh impossible. Attachment converted: wonderland:WINMAIL.DAT (????/----) (00026B3E)