I'm pretty sure i have the PicVue module you describe (I got it for 3.95 at www.mpja.com) but i have not worked with it much. the data sheets i have are scant, so i can only assume that it uses the standard interface. (i know it uses 4-bit interface, and which pins go where, but not much else). It needs a negative voltage for the contrast pin, and i know that the display itself works (i can make it get black by adjusting the contrast) but i have not fiddled much w/ the interface. My first attempt w/ the interface has been unsuccesfull, but i will try some more later. If any one has any info on this part, please tell me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A member of the PI-100 Club: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, Rich Kolbush wrote: > Hi, > I'd like to use a low cost (who doesnt, right?) LCD for various > 16F84 projects that I have in mind, but I'm finding a wide range of > prices, and very little online data. Min 2 lines of text is my only > requirement. > $3.95=16x2 PicView-PC066PGL, w/datasheets, +5Logic,-5LCD,+4LED > $6.96=20x4 Hitachi-LM521xvct, +5logic, No Control CPU-drivers only, no > datasheets > > I couldnt find any data online for either of these. Obviously I'd like > the $3.95 version. So I guess my question is, are all LCD's basically the > same to control, or are some harder than others to control/interface? Any > recommendataions appreciated. > Thanks, > Rich >