> whats the best way to test to make sure the program works properly > before burning it into a PIC12c50x , since their o.t.p. i was going along pretty good with a window '509. mine only cost me $12 bucks, though. (Parallax). when i learned (!) that the JW part does not like 9 volts supplied where 5 was called for (never mind exactly how *that* happened) i was dead in the water. i got some mileage using a simulator. i usually rough out the code that way anyway. what i did to get back on the air until replacement JW parts come in (are they out of stock everywhere they don't sell for $31?) was to lash up a 16F84 onto an 8-pin socket so that it would look and act a lot like a '509. worked pretty good and i only got burned (so to speak) once by using a little more stack depth than actually exists on the '509. -- rob