Your ending statement is not true. I have been able to sucessfully program and read pics using the PicStart Plus under windows 2000 Beta2. Ray Doerr wrote: > Well, I finally found some time to install Windows 2000 Professional > Beta 3 on my Pentium II 350. Installation went well but lengthy. After a > successful installation, I then proceeded to install MPLAB 4.0. Everything > was fine up to this point. PicStart+ launches OK, but when you go to > program anything it some up with a bunch for errors of locations that were > not programmed. Also I noticed that it was taking a great deal longer to > complete the programming cycle than it normally would, if it was done on > Win95/98. > I guess the verdict is that MPLAB 4.0 is not going to work with Windows > 2000 either. Bummer! > > Thanks > Ray Doerr