Howard McGinnis asked: >What's the most efficient way to move blocks of data in a 16C77? Since the PIC has only one index register, the general case of a block move requires that for each byte, you move a source pointer into FSR, then get the data, then move the destination pointer to FSR and store the data. Usual disclaimer applies: This code should work, I use something very similar myself, but no warranty! Free software can be expensive :) ;(all these RAM addresses are arbitrary) Source EQU H'30' ;the source data, H'30'..H'5F' Dest EQU H'A0' ;the destination, H'A0'..H'CF' #define NBytes H'30' ;thats 48 bytes to you PtrS EQU H'20' ;the source pointer PtrD EQU H'21' ;the destination pointer Count EQU H'22' ;number of bytes to copy Temp EQU H'23' MemCopy: MOVLW NBytes ;number of bytes to be copied MOVWF Count ;init counter MOVLW Source ;the address of the source MOVWF PtrS ;init source pointer MOVLW Dest ;the address of the destination MOVWF PtrD ;init dest pointer MCLoop: MOVF PtrS,W ;get the source pointer... MOVWF FSR ;into FSR MOVF INDF,W ;get data, indirect MOVWF Temp ;save the data a moment MOVF PtrD,W ;get the dest pointer MOVWF FSR ;into FSR MOVF Temp,W ;get the data back MOVWF INDF ;put to destination, indirect INCF PtrS,F ;bump source pointer to next data INCF PtrD,F ;bump destination pointer DECFSZ Count,F ;one less to do, skip if done GOTO MCLoop ;if not done, loop for another ;skips to here when done... This is the best general case I know, but still not very efficent. Another index register, anyone? Be careful if the Source and Destination overlap! If the source is at a lower but overlapping address, this routine will not work because it copies lowest address first! Here is a good trick: If the source and destination areas are always the same locations, you can optimize a lot by locating them at corresponding addresses in different banks, or otherwise so that there is one bit difference in their addresses. Then you can use a BSF and BCF on one bit of the FSR to point FSR to source then to destination. You can also do this trick by twiddling bit IRP instead, then the source and dest are in different pages. Note that you can consider IRP+FSR as a 9 bit index register. For example: #define NBytes 30 ;(these RAM addresses are carefully chosen for this trick to work. ; notice that 30h and B0h are corresponding addresses in Bank0 and 1 ; and therefore differ by the high bit of their address) Source EQU H'30' ;the source data Dest EQU H'B0' ;the destination Count EQU H'20' ;number of bytes to copy Sneaky: MOVLW NBytes MOVWF Count MOVLW Source ;the address of the source MOVWF FSR ;into FSR SCLoop: MOVF INDF,W ;get data, indirect BSF FSR, ;switch to dest area MOVWF INDF ;put to destination, indirect BCF FSR, 7 ;back to source bank INCF FSR ;point at next pair DECFSZ Count ;one less to do, skip if done GOTO SCLoop ;if not done, loop for another ;skips to here when done... This uses less RAM and is mush quicker, at the expense of generality (in maintaining the code, if you decide to move variables around in RAM, it FAILS!) Try coding THAT trick in portable C! :) --------------------------------------------------- Barry King Engineering Manager NRG Systems "Measuring the Wind's Energy" "The witty saying has been deleted due to limited EPROM space"