Well, there are a few restrictions... I am going to order about 500 PCBs for one of our projects and I have about 11 sq in of wasted space. If I add something in this area or if I don't doesn't make a difference in price, so I thought that somebody would be interested in filling it. The available area is 8in x 1.45in of 2 sided FR-4 with solder mask and silk screen. Restrictions: - PCB file should be in EAGLE format. (I don't want to mess with the generated Gerber files.) - Circuit must have a PIC in it (I like'em). - Thru-hole components only. - Circuit should be made freely available to the public (no commercial of for profit ventures.) - Related software should also be made publicly available for free. - Interesting and useful (no blinking leds.) - Proposed files must be sent no later than Friday (in America.) - Proposed circuits will be selected by me. - Schematic should be sent along with PCB and a description of the circuit and software. - No weird holes or drill sizes, just use standard stuff. - If necessary I will edit the circuit. Maybe nobody is interested and I am throwing this to the wind, but if you are drop me a line. Gabriel TGO Electronics