>, agricultural distribution pipes are matt black PVC Really PVC?! - Here we only use PE in the pipes (Much longer life in the sun, better freeze survival, and no piosonous to burn at life end) If it is drip irrigation you probably want to add nutrition too. There are theese relatively cheep water flow driven nutrition pumps. Theese are pulsating cylinter type pumps, made of plastic. If possible to add a magnet on the moving part, and a hall sensor at the case, you will have one pulse per x volume of water! Water Supply --> Filter --> Nutrition pump --> Valves ^ Magnet | | | / : v v v / : Filters / : | | | Nutrition tank Magnetic sensor /Morgan Morgan Olsson ph +46(0)414 70741 MORGANS REGLERTEKNIK fax +46(0)414 70331 H€LLEKS (in A-Z letters: "HALLEKAS") SE-277 35 KIVIK, SWEDEN mrt@iname.com ___________________________________________________________