Well, I've finally built the board and tested it, and everything was fine UNTIL I got to real world: One of the relays (the one intended to trigger the welding torch) brings in these pretty 45 Vac into the circuit that stop everything. Taking away this signal brings the circuit back to normal operation. What's the problem? This 45Vac are NOT in the PIC's path, they are in the relay contacts. Any suggestion? This is the circuit: > O +V (unregulated) being 12VDC | | ----* | | | C +-------------------o 1N4007 --- C | A C relay coil / | C / N.O. switch 45Vac from the torch | C / in the relay | | | ---* +-------------------o | 470 470 |/ PIC o----*- /\/\/\-*-/\/\/\-*-----| BC337 | | | |\ +++ --- --- V 22K | | --- 10n A | +++ | | | | | | | --- --- --- --- ^ | 1N4148 ---------------------- Jaume Aragay Badia aragay@email.com ----------------------