Hi to you all, about a month ago I had the question of the erasability of OTP EPROM devices using X-Rays (Roentgen...) as a means of transporting the necessary energy into the crystal structure in order to reset the memory cells. I gave two prepared cards with several EPROMs and PALs on it to a friend, who works at a veterinary clinic, and she put the 2 sheets under X-Rays for two different periods of time. Her parameters were: 40 KV (lowest possible voltage) and 100 resp. 400 nAs. So there were three different scenarios possible: - Nothing happens to the ICs - The information is erased... - The whole IC is destroyed So yesterday evening I had the opportunity to test the ICs, and to my chagrin I could only detect that nothing had happened to both charges of ICs. So now I am looking for a different radiation source, e. g. a materials lab or so having a Roentgen source that can operate for a longer time to increase the dose of radiation to the ICs Does anybody have access to such an apparatus?? Greetings Jochen DH6FAZ jf @ detektor.de