>From the previous discussions it seems probable that this is meant to be a 115VAC primary so what you are doing SHOULD be alright. - What voltage are the secondaries MEANT to give. Measure each one with an AC voltmeter. Are the voltages near to the stated values? They should be. If they are approximately double the stated values you may still not have a correct primary connection. What have you done with the other primary? It should be open circuit (not connected). Any unused windings should also be unconnected to anything. Presumably no unused windings have their ends connected together. How hot is "pretty hot"? Can you keep your hand on it permanently. If you can keep your hand on it but only very very uncomfortably then it is about 55 degrees C. Hotter indicates a definite fault. Really, with this load, it should be very very cool!!! regards Russell McMahon -----Original Message----- From: Ricardo Ponte G To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Sunday, January 10, 1999 6:01 PM Subject: My transformer is pretty hot Why???? Hi !!!: Some days ago you clear me the doubts about how to connect my transformer with 115 or 220vac. Ok, I learned the lesson. I«m using it in my system (One pic, and four CI more). I read the current that flows out of my power (using the transformer) and it«s about 5mA but the transformer get pretty hot but It can give me 450mA. I have used only One primary to 115vac and connected in series the output to get the maximum voltage. Is it normal that this device get so hot ????