About a month ago posted an article to this list announcing my intention to write a bootloader for the forthcoming PIC16F87x processors. I got some good feed back and took it into consideration when I started coding. I've finished writting the code, and I'm now in the testing and verification phase. Go to my web page at http://www.execpc.com/~rfarmer and let me know what you think of the project. Right now I'm putting the finishing touches on it in the simulator and emulator. I hope to get first silicon in a few weeks. Once I get it tested in real silicon I'll be releasing the hex file. I don't follow PICLIST on a regular basis so send me your email directly. -- Rick Farmer | 916 E. Ogden Ave. #312 Electrical Engineer | Milwaukee, Wi. 53202 rfarmer@execpc.com | 414-273-9740