Just another quick tidbit, solder fumes also cause acne. At a place I co-op'd at, they had this huge thing with their safety dept. and had to purchase a fume extractor... -greg At 10:33 AM 01/10/99 , you wrote: >Ryan; > >I acquired the MSDS data sheets on two solders, the organic and the no >clean. In both cases, the datasheets stated that the fumes are known to >cause occasional respiratory and eye irritation, which I have observed >in our shop. It also mentioned that unless the solder is ingested, >which is unlikey, lead poisoning is not a risk. Keep in mind, though, >that the new pastes used in SMT can easily be spread on the hands and >elsewhere. I tend to be more careful with the paste for that reason. > >Chris Eddy, PE >Pioneer Microsystems, Inc. > >ryan pogge wrote: > >> hi, >> I was just wondering if anyone knows about health >> risks asosiated with solder. I.E. lead poisning ect. >> just curious. >> Ryan > ----------------------- Greg Cormier Kathmandu, Nepal Local time : GMT + 5h30m gcormier@wlink.com.np ICQ # : 565465