Hi, My parents have an old TV in their bedroom without a remote control. I would like to add the functionality of a VCR, but without the tape deck part. I would like to use a PIC to control a sort of TV tuner and remote power switch. There must be a lot of old TV's that could use a device like this. I have absolutely no idea about TV transmission. I understand that it's transmitted on a carrier frequency, but I will have to look up the frequencies for my area (we use PAL standard, and I need to get VHF and UHF channels). Is there a world standard for the frequencies they transmit on? Assuming our antenna catches the signal and it comes magically down the coax, here is what I have to do : 1) Filter the antenna signal for the carrier frequency of a particular channel. 2) To get a 'composite' signal, which is the raw TV signal, I have to filter out the carrier frequency. 3) Re-modulate this composite signal to a frequency the TV is always tuned in to. Am I on the right track? It might be easier to make a VCR out of coconut shells like on Gilligan's Island. I'll bet there is a chip to do this because this is how all VCR's work isn't it? Can I buy a pre-built module etc? Then comes the remote control bit. I can get an old remote control from a broken VCR somewhere - which will have a nice case and buttons. Then I have to decode the signal. Some people have posted Sony protocols etc but I can't be sure what protocol it will use. Does anyone know how to capture a code from ANY control (assuming 40kHz IR type) in response to a button being pressed? Once I have the tuner figured out, and can decode a remote, they can all be tied together with the PIC. For the power switch is it better to use a relay or a triac to switch on the TV? Thank you, any help appreciated, David.