Hello All, I've built some PIC-based circuits for use outdoors, where I expect them to be used from the spring to fall, with them powered down in the winter. This is currently a "hobby" project, but I may find a commercial use at some point. To protect the main circuit from snow and rain, for now I've placed it on a small platform about a foot high, and covered the whole thing with an upside-down 5-gallon paint bucket. During the summer and fall this worked great. We also had a break in the snow recently so I plugged it in and everything worked fine. Now for the problem. When I removed the paint bucket recently to see if everything was OK, I noticed some water had formed on the "wall-wart" transformer I use to power the circuit (the wall-wart is under the bucket as well, hooked up to an extension cord from the house). I didn't notice any water on the circuit itself, however. I don't know that much about the condensation process, but I'm guessing the water has formed on the transformer because it has a high amount of "thermal intertia," where it is colder than the surrounding air in the morning just after the sun has come up and begun warming the air. Having everything close to the wet ground may also be a factor. Does anyone know of an inexpensive way of preventing the condesation? I know I probably shouldn't be using an "indoor" wall-wart this way, but this is still just a "hobby" project, so I'd like to keep the investment low :-) I suppose I could keep the thing powered up all the time, and that may help the transformer, but I'm also worried about some of the larger parts (relays, etc.) having the same problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Mark Winters