> Van: Rigby-Jones, Michael [PAI01:4837:EXCH] > Aan: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > Onderwerp: Re: Keypad Decoding ][][ > Datum: maandag 4 januari 1999 11:49 > > Have a look at http://home.clara.net/mikerj/keypad.html for a possible > method of interfacing a 3x4 (or 4x4 with modifications) to a PIC using only > 4 pins. It's even possible to go upto 28 buttons with only four lines ... The Down-side is that any _combination_ of buttons is received like another, legal, button. ( All connected with diodes : One line is the Pull-down. 3 buttons connected to a single line. 3 buttons connected to two lines. 1 button connected to 3 lines. That gives 7 buttons on 3+1 lines) Greetz, Rudy Wieser