hello, i have made some xyz motion controlled machines with old stepper motors now i would try to do it with dc brush motors with encoder feedback for position i build the h bridge example from bob blick http://www.bobblick.com had some problems in the begining because i had used 2n2222a transistors instead of pn2222a now i have inserted the 2n222a in a strange way so the pinning matched it workes nice up to 10 vdc above the 10 vdc the 2n2222a will heat up my question is: does anyone now off a similar project on the web for pwm controlled dc brush motor with position encoder feed back to replace the steppers in my xyz table using one or multiple pic 16c/f84 ic's i now microchip has an example but that is using a pld and a microchip that i have no programmer for and i know jr kerr has some commercial product but i would like to waste some time as a hobbyist to reinvent the wheel thank's in advance! luberth http://home.wxs.nl/~luberth/plotter/plotter.htm