Hi Folks, Here is an interesting PIC lesson I just learned the hard way. I am developing new programmer firmware and using a 16C64 chip. Because the PCB is only single-sided, I only connected one of the two VDDs to save headaches with the track layout. Everything seemed ok until I tried to program 5x parts. All of a sudden it would crash most times a "000" was to be programmed. After stuffing around adding caps here and there, swapping chips, regulators, and resorting to a fair array of unrepeatable verbal incantations, I finally decided to connect the "other" VDD and voila! it worked 100% Ok, so I've learnt my lesson, don't cut corners with the PICs power rails. So, if like me, you are tempted to only connect one VDD or GND, perhaps this cautionary tale may help change your mind. Jim -------------------------------------------------------- Jim Robertson Email: newfound@pipeline.com.au http://www.pipeline.com.au/users/newfound --------------------------------------------------------