Hi ladies & gentlemen, I had a problem here, I did this program hoping that it'll do an analogue to digital conversion and sends the converted values back to the display on the hyperterminal. However it can't display the values on the computer's screen. So I hope someone here will help me out providing some clues to solve my misery! This .asm file can also be open with notepad. Thank you in advance. Background of the project, Using the hyperterminal program, we send a character into the hardware consisting of a max232, a pic16c73 and it is supposed to measure the values from the resister. The pic16c73 should do an analogue to digital conversion, before sending the converted values back to the display of the computer through serial rs232 transmission. The display should shows the ascii numbers on the screen. Take care!! Bye. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com