There has been some discussion on this list concerning ways to generate the negative voltage required to bias certain LCD modules. I have a method that I have been using with great success that I would like to share. This method 'steals' the required signal from the pin 15 osc2/clkout pin of the PIC 16C84. So as not to load down the pin I connect immediately from pin 15 to any CMOS logic gate I happen to have available. It does not matter what type. I have used AND NAND OR NOR BUFFER and INVERTER types with equal success. The output of this gate then drives the usual negative generator circuit: Pin 15 -----> CMOS Gate-----> Neg. Gen Ckt---> 10K pot If I find that an LCD circuit requires the negative bias, then I do NOT provide any positive bias at all to the pot. In other words, one side of pot to ground, one side to negative generator ckt, and output of pot to LCD. +5v | (CMOS) | |\ e (15)--| >O--10K-*---b(PNP) |/ | c | | || | *-----||---*---|<----*------ | | || | | | | c V --- \ (10K) ----b(NPN) - --- /<--- e | | \ | | | | GND GND GND GND I generally use .1 ufd caps and 1N914 diodes. Any general purpose PNP and NPN transistors can be used. Sometimes you can dispense with the transistor section and its associated base resistor altogether if your CMOS gate can supply a reasonable current. You can always parallel CMOS gates to get more current capability. Just another variation on a vasic theme, but I hope that perhaps it helps someone out there keep their cost or parts count just a little bit lower. Fr. Tom McGahee