Regard, Aaron! send piece of the code ( processing the interruptions ). Try to understand. Vadim -----Original Message----- From: Aaron Hickman [SMTP:hickmaab@DREXEL.EDU] Sent: Saturday, December 26, 1998 5:27 AM To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Subject: RB4-RB7 Interrupt Blues! Arrggghh! To save my sanity, I desperately need some guidance from any of you PIC guru's out there! In an effort to transmit data via RF modules, I am attempting to write some code that transmits/receives manchester encoded data. On the receiving side I am using a combination of TMR0, RB0 INT and RB interrupt on change features. I am unable to get the RB interupt on change INT's to work. I have checked all the obvious errors, ie. making sure the PORTB is read just prior to expected transition on pin, actually turning on RBIE and GIE, etc. Looking at the code from the simulator's perspective, all is cool. When I set the RBIF flag, the interrupt is seen and the proper jump is executed. However, when I drop the chip in the circuit, and look at the execution using a scope (I use a free PORTB pin to indicate code progrss), I can see that the pin never catches the changing slope and ends up timing out via the TMR0 interrupt. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or guidance from any kind soul out there, as I would like to nail this coffin shut and enjoy the holidays while school is out. Merry Christmas, Aaron