On Wed, 23 Dec 1998, John Payson wrote: > Cute, eh? Yes ! Nice. imho it would be nice if Mchip could pre-program 508's and 509s with a simple program that toggles an IO bit like this when the device is virgin (OTPs). Then the programmer could determine the real frequency for each device before burning the code, and could call a patcher that adjusts code loops in the object file to adjust for the exact real speed, instead of trimming the oscillator. Ah, I'm just dreaming ;) Alternatively, have a FLASH location hold the trim value and allow the PIC to correct itself at run-time in a test jig using users' software, after burning. This obviates the need for factory-inserted trim values (a missing inverter in Silicon can make the 0xFF factory line FLASH trim location a 0x80 for a sane start value). Ah, I'm just dreaming some more ;) ;) Peter