Hi, In like event I used an optical vapour. Works. VADIM vad@anet.lv ---------- > : Aaron Hickman > 攓: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU > 񌓈: FET's as analog switch??? > : 20 1998 . 1:26 > > To Anyone, > After many hours of fingering over my code in search of a couple > of bugs, I have finished a working version of an IR remote control > decoder! The only impediment in my path to complete success is a minute > hardware problem. I am using a PIC16C84 to receive IR commands from a > Kenwood remote. If the PIC receives the correct command it will start, > stop or pause a SONY portable CD player. The CD player is the run of the > mill portable player, which requires the user to depress a button to > begin playing the CD, etc. I want to use the remaining pins on the PIC > to toggle these switches. I tried to pull the terminal from the switch > to ground using the PIC, but got no response. I assume that there is too > much internal resistance through the PIC's PORTB pins to ground for the > switch to activate. Might this be correct? I thought about using a FET > with teh gate connected to the PIC and the high side of the CD player's > swithc connected to the source and the low side connected to drain > (ground). Does anyone have any alternative suggestions that are low > power and low component number? > > Aaron Hickman >