I'm currently working on a Dot Matrix LED display using a PIC16C67. Everything is going well, except I need to find a Sink and Source driver as the PIC can't deliver any more tham 25mA. Because the 5x7 Displays can't have all the LED on at one time they need to be multiplexed. By multiplexing the displays, each column of the 5x7 display is only on for a 10% duty cycle, therefore the current needs to be increased so the displays are still bright. The displays can handle 160mA each at a 10% duty cycle. This is why I need the darlington SInk and Source drivers. I found a Sink driver from Toshiba ( Part # TD62003AP), and it works fine, but the Source driver I also bought from Toshiba were meant for Florescent displays of 50V. This is no good for a +5V design. If anyone knows of where I can find these types of drivers please send a message back to the List. Thanks Ray Doerr rrdoerr@home.com