On 12/22/98, at 10:10 AM, Alice Campbell wrote: >it sounds like your're about where i started out a few months ago. >do yourself a favor and order easy pic'n from jameco or someone RUSH. > dont do like i did and jump all over it. actually read the first >couple of chapters, take 2 aspirin, and do the little blinky >examples. if you dont have a silly scope, buy a small piezo buzzer >from radioshack for the timer ones. this will save enormous amounts >of time. dont worry about what the programmer is doing for now, if >it bothers you, put a piece of paper over it so you cant see it. >good luck >alice Do you think for a newbie like me it would be best to get my hands on Easy Pic'N even though I got a book with my kit? "Programming and Customising the PIC Microcontroller". I had initially wanted to get my hands on Easy PIC'n but this is the book that came with the kit, I figured i'd check it out first. But I had my eye on Easy PIC'n which really was the book I had set out to purchase. Can anyone tell me if I would really be getting enough valuable and different (or just simpler) content from Easy PIC'n, therefore making it a worthwhile investment? Thank you very much for your feedback Alice. Just another Andrew.