Hi All, I'm currently doing a project with a 16C73A in which I require a software controlled MCLR reset. I need this because I have the following problem : When I power-up the PIC the software is running with no problems. When for example a certain external voltage drop is detected on an A/D channel (the total unit is battery powered, but the PIC is safely supplied by a 7805 regulator), the software jumps to a subroutine. When this external voltage is back to normal again, the software will be reset by jumping out of the subroutine back to Start (address 0) initializing all registers again etc. etc. The problem is that after this 'soft-reset' I experience some problems with my A/D conversions resulting in large conversion errors. When I reset the processor by pulling down MCLR, everything works fine again. So my question is, is it possible to (MCLR) reset the 16C73A just by using some instructions? Right now, I've connected an NPN transistor to RA4 to pull down MCLR when I exit the above mentioned subroutine. But until this doesn't work yet. I hope you guys can help me out on this. Bye, Daniel...