Katherine, To set the configuration bits for a PIC (including enabling the WDT), I use the "__CONFIG" directive in my application as follows: __CONFIG _CP_OFF & _XT_OSC & _WDT_ON & _PWRTE_ON This statement sets the configuration bits as follows: _CP_OFF - code protect off _XT_OSC - standard crystal oscillator _WDT_ON - watch dog timer on _PWRTE_ON - power on timer enable These directives are bit masks that are defined in the include file for the processor you are using. These are for a 16C84, so you may see some differences if you are using a different processor. Then in your application you need to set up the OPTION register to assign the prescaler to the WDT and set the prescaler rate: MOVLW b'xxxx1111' ; 'x' - not relevant for setting prescaler assignment MOVWF OPTION These statements assign the WDT to the prescaler (bit 3 = '1'), and set the prescaler rate at 128 cycles (bits 0-2 = '111'). So in your program unless you execute a CLRWDT instruction within 128 cycles, the WDT will reset the PIC. So your main application loop may look like the following: Main CLRWDT CALL subroutine1 CALL subroutine2 CALL subroutine3 GOTO Main If any of the subroutines "hang", the WDT will not get cleared and the PIC will be reset. Hope this helps, Adam You wrote... cileekat@HOTMAIL.COM on 12/22/98 12:37:04 AM Please respond to PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU cc: (bcc: Adam Bryant/PEAK/MOORE) Subject: Setting the WDT of PIC16C84 Hello everybody, I have a question on WDTs. I keep getting people telling me to enable the WDT during programming the PIC16C84. But nobody ever specified how. I build a programmer but didn't dare to proceed in case I spoil the PIC. Can somebody out there please explain in as plain english terms as possible on how to do this (Program the WDT)? Thanks in advance. Katherine ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com