greetings, I finally got my starter package from Wirz Electronics, great all around service and super fast Fed Ex delivery to Canada have gotten me all hyped up with my new toy! You have to imagine my surprise when I saw it was a KIT! I wasn't expecting that, somehow I must have been sleeping when I visited their site cause I could have sworn it wasn't too damn obvious. But no matter, a few hours of fiddling and I now have the thing done. (took longer figuring out what I could use to wash the unit and remove all the damn flux residue, than putting it together). I have to say I was kind of disapointed with the documentation that came with the kit, or rather I should say, lack thereof. I had to mostly scour the Dontronics site for component list and positions. The only problem is, that the Dontronics site and the kit Wirz weren't identical, but I built the dt001 board with no probs with the great Dontronics info. But I also got the dt101 kit with my wirz order, but I cannot find any detailed info on where to put all the components and such. I am sort of confused at reading that the dt001 doesn't need every part to program PICs and such, I could not find any detailed instructions apart from the Dontronics 'main board components' and 'programmer' parts list. I just put everything on board (sockets for the max232 and 7407) althought I was short 2 LEDs so I just put all 4 close to power plug and the other two close to the silk screened 232 (just above 18 pin ZIF). I would like to know where I could get detailed info for completing my dt101 expansion board with the WIRZ kit components and I would like to know if by putting every single component from the dontronics instructions if it should work or if I have to remove stuff! I haven't tested the thing yet (waited 24 hours to make sure it was totally dry after the 'ol wash) and considering how many things can go wrong, I am sort of expecting the whole thing to just explode. Oh well, I guess you'll be hearing from me soon either way. I would also like to know if there is any protective circuit I can build to guarantee I won't fry my onboard ports fiddling with this thing. I really don't feel like worrying about this sort of stuff. Is there any way to isolate the circuit while keeping it linked? Opto isolation? Thanks for bearing through this textual torture I call a post. Andrew