Andre Abelian wrote: > I am working on 12c509 that requires lots of call and goto instructions > to use I am > getting an error massage "Call or jump not allowed at this address (must > be in low half of page)" > I do not clearly understand what does this means. 509 has 1 K program > memory I used 382 bytes so far. How do you take care of this problem. Hello Andre. This mean that you may use only first addresses on the current program page as destinators for GOTO or CALL commands. If you code have a linear structure then you havn't to take in mind this message. Look into 509 datasheet and you will find that CALL or GOTO commands may only load 0xxxxxxx into PCL or another words only first half of every program page is accessable through that commands. This also related to ADDWF PCL,F command. WBR Dmitry.