Howdy everyone, I'm new to the list, and I'm just getting started in PIC's. I have a question... I ordered a PIC+ Learning Pak from ITU Tech ( When I purchased it online, the job output told me that I'd receive confirmation within 24 hours. That was almost four days ago, and I've not heard a word. I've tried to e-mail, but both of my e-mails have gone unanswered. Also, I tried to call, but it seems that all of the numbers listed on their website, and the number in Cincinatti's Directory Service are disconnected. Here's the question: What's the deal? I thought that ITU Tech was a fairly well respected orginization in the world of PIC's. So far, my impression is less than great. Does anyone on the list work for ITU? Anyone have a GOOD number that I can use to reach them? I was hoping to have this programmer as a Christmas present, but at the current rate, I'm worried if I'm even going to get it before new years. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Brad Stockdale -