hello, sorry this is off topic, but i plan to use this with a pic what is the usual value for the resistor in the following circuit, or how can it be calculated? /\ Vcc | | | < > Resistor < | X-------> Signal out | / |/ | Photo transistor (NPN, emmittter pointing towards ground) |\ \ | V Ground Also, ive tried a 3.3K resistor, but it didnt seem very sensitive, while a 56K resistor was so sensitive that even in complete darkness the signal would not get very close to Vcc. Im planning on using this for a wireless RS232 style tranciever, should i capacitatvily couple the output to the input of the comparitor (which i am using to detect whether the signal is high or low)?? Thanks for any help you can provide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A member of the PI-100 Club: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679