One of my coworkers has 100 PIC OTP's which he attempted to secure using the BP Microsystems' Programmer's "secure" option after he programmed them. Unfor- tunately, that option burns the entire configuration word to zeroes including the oscillator type (making it LP--it should have been XT for use with a 4MHz crystal). Is there any easy way to hack the oscillator circuit (tack-soldering on com- ponents as needed) so that an LP-programmed PIC will operate at 4MHz? Someone earlier suggested that the oscillator fuse option controls the feedback resist- or; would adding a resistor between the OSCIN and OSCOUT pins make the LP parts behave like XT parts, or are the only reasonable options at this point to: [1] Tack on an oscillator module (pricey, and probably not worth doing), or [2] Slag the chips and reburn them properly. I suspect #2 is the only real option, but if anyone else has any better ideas it'd be appreciated.