Ryan Pogge wrote: > May I ask what this "buck regulator" is for? by buck do you mean > deer? No, nearly everyone on this list wants it "cheep". > I have been trying to figure out a way to build a PIC? based system > that uses some sort of motion detector to trigger a camera... the > purpose being to attach it to a tree and it takes a picture > whenever a deer walks near it.... > anyone have any bright Ideas? I was thinking that one of the cheep See, you want it cheep too! > motion detectors sold at radio shack could be interfaced to a solenoid > switch of some type with the PIC ...to depress the camera button. I think one of the surface mount PICs *may* be the right shape to depress the camera button, bit it'd be easier to just machine a piece of acrylic. As for the interface, I think you want a pair of monostables, one to turn the trigger pulse from the PIR detector into the right length (and not too long) to activate the solenoid, and the other to inhibit another pulse for a reasonable length of time; i.e., set the duration between pictures assuming the deer/ buck is still in view of the PIC. You could use a dual monostable; I think most of us would use a 74HC14 as it's more common and cheaper. I think you should know that PIR detectors work better on people who have lots of naked skin to radiate heat; than animals (such as deer) which are well insulated and designed for the cold. -- Cheers, Paul B.