Friends, I have started to play around with the PIC17C756 and have been reading the data book for the last week or so. As I am pretty new to MCUs (started Jan of last ye ar) I am having trouble getting a simple program to work in the 17C756. I just w anted to make one LED turn on for each port. (1 LED hooked up to RA0, RB0, RC0,. ...etc.). I am having trouble understanding how to initialize the ports as well as the banking (tons of banking). Also, when you initalize a port, do you intia lize the "Data Direction Register" (DDR) for that port? What about the port itse lf (PORTB, PORTC,...etc.)? Any assembly source code would be of GREAT help, as will advice/pointers. Thank you all very much. Best regards, Steven Steven Kosmerchock CELWAVE Phoenix Arizona USA Email: