I have been working on project for about 2 years using the PIC family of microcontrollers. I now am starting to regret ever using PICs. It seems that a 68HC11 will do almost everything a PIC can with many advantages over a PIC. For one thing, I could have done debugging without an expensive emulator. An eval board with buffalo monitor would have worked. In volume the PIC16C74 costs about $5 in volumes of 100 from digikey. The HC11 can be bought for about $1 these days. The HC11 also has on-board flash. A savings of another $1. When you have 4 microcontrollers in a consumer product, those savings can be significant. I also would not have had to deal with tedious an meticulous chore of bank switching, whether in program code or ram pages My question, is why are people choosing the PIC family of microcontrollers over the HC11, especially the PIC16C74? Perhaps I am missing something. ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com