>Along the same lines: How do you mark down the original calibration on JW >508s and 509s ? I use a steel needle to scratch it into the brazed window >bezel but sometimes more scratches are added during handling and then it's >gone. Is there a marker pen that uses non-transparent non-removable ink >and has a fine tip ? Yes, I am using Staedtler Lumocolor # 313 permanent ink marker refillable (used for PCB etching as well). The ink is removable with any acetone based remover like nail polish remover. Eddy ------------------------- This thread about "a cheaper way to erase" have been here around the list for months. I made a search (list archives) and based on that I built my owm eraser. It cost me about 20 bucks and is safe, portable , battery operated and nice. Moreover you can replace the regular lamp back and use it as a standard fluorescent lamp. I bought a standard battery operated fluorescent lamp for $9.99 and then ordered the UV D G4T5 germicidal lamp for $10.30 , added a safe enclosure and ready to go ....12 minutes erasure time is enough for me having a pipeline. Safe tip : Never look into the burning lamp.